Acupuncture Arthritis Knee Ankle Pain Relief
Acupuncture and acupressure can be an effective method for arthritis knee and ankle pain relief. To help with the prevention and arthritis pain relief, prescribe a positive plan for yourself.
Acupuncture or therapeutic 'needle piercing" is a method in which fine needles are inserted into the skin in order to stimulate targeted places in the body, referred to as acupoints.
The acupuncture practitioner also generally applies any of the following to stimulate the points: heat, pressure or electromagnetic energy impulses, suction, friction, along with the fine needles.
The goal of the acupuncture arthritis treatment is to stimulate the acupoints in order to balance the body�s movement of energy and restore health. Ask your healthcare provider for practitioner referrals or look in directories under holistic services.
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