How Is Spondylolisthesis Treated?
Initial spondylolisthesis treatment is always conservative. The individual should take a break from the activities until symptoms go away, as they often do.
The grade of slip (grades 1-5) and the symptoms will help determine the type of treatment that will be suitable. The doctor will consider the following options:
I. No treatment
About 5% of the population has a spondylolisthesis, most of whom will never need any treatment because their spondylolisthesis is stable, and non-progressive.
.... Spondylolisthesis Treatment
For adults, spondylolisthesis treatment is solely recommended for those patients who have symptoms of pain and disability (leg numbness). For children, treatment is necessary if they have pain, and when the forward vertebral slip is progressing.
Observation is adequate rather than treatment, for the adult who has no symptoms or the child who has a minimal spondylolisthesis and no symptoms.
.... Spondylolisthesis Treatment
Most patients with spondylolisthesis especially if they have symptoms like leg numbness, should avoid activities that might cause more stress to the lumbar spine, such as heavy lifting and sports activities like gymnastics, football, competitive swimming, and other vigorous exercises.
.... Spondylolisthesis Treatment
II. Bed rest/activity restrictions
Bed rest following an injury to the back is less preferred because of the risk of deconditioning (e.g., loss of muscle tone which delays recovery). Few years ago, if one of your friends had a similar back problem and he would be placed on bed rest for at least ten days, now a shorter period of time, such as two to three days followed by a guided physical therapy program is a better solution to back pain.
Once the spondylolisthesis has been recognized, spondylolisthesis treatment often consists of a short rest period (two to three days) followed by a physical therapy program by a registered physical therapist who has an understanding of spondylolisthesis.
There should be restriction of heavy lifting, excessive bending, twisting or stooping and avoidance of any work or recreational activities that causes stress to the lumbar spine. Your physician will outline a rehabilitation program to return you to your activities as soon as possible....
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