Big Toe Toenail Problems
Among the more common problems treated by a foot specialist are those relating to toe nails. I�ll tackle the problem ofingrown nails first, the talk about fungal infection of the toe nails.
We have all heard from doctors that we should trim our toe nails straight across. Some doctors claim that patients cause their own ingrown nails by trimming the corners too closely. What is the actual answer?
The answer is that the toes serve no great purpose in an evolutionary sense and we can make the supposition that the toes now are smaller than they were, say 30,000 years ago. The toe nails, especially on the big toes, though, have stayed the same size and in many people there is just too much nail for too little toe.
If the toe nail is too wide, it will tend to painfully dig in at the edges, and patients naturally, will work to dig out the corners. My belief is that most people, but not all, should cut their toe nails straight across. There are a significant number of people who have big toe nails that are too wide for the toe, and in these cases, people may be more comfortable by rounding the corners of the nails on their own. People with diabetes or poor circulation should not work on their own feet, however, in any case.
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