A bunion is a bony bump, usually at the bottom of the big toe. A bunion is a sometimes painful deformity of the bones and the joint between the big toe and the foot. A bunion could have developed via long-term irritation (inflammation) from arthritis, loosely fitting shoes, and heredity, any of which can cause this joint at the base of the big toe to thicken and enlarge.
When the angle between the bones of the big and second toes is bigger than normal, the big toe moves towards the second toe and will usually goes over or under it. In some cases the adjacent toes begin to buckle or become a "hammer toe".
A bunion (excess or misaligned bone in the joint) and is one of the most common big toe problems. 9 out of 10 bunions happen to women. 9 out of 10 women wear shoes that are too small.
A bunion changes the shape of your foot, making it even harder to find shoes that fit. But you do not have to hobble for the rest of your life. Bunions can be treated, and with a bunion treatment and control pre-molded foot orthotic, your feet can feel and look better.
Afoot orthotic is a custom made device that controls the amount of excessive pronation and supination that a foot goes through when walking, running or cycling. All people naturally pronate and supinate but excessive movement either way can be problematic. Pronation control shoes or shoes with stabilizing features help to control wearing of the shoe while foot orthotics help to control the stabilizing and mechanics of the body.
Metatarsalgia should be understood as a symptom rather than a diagnosis. It probably indicates that you are either; overweight, wearing too much high-heeled shoes, have claw or hammer toes which press the metatarsals down towards the ground, a stiff ankle, a bunion in the big toe, have stress fractures of the metatarsal bones or possibly having pain due to arthritis, gout or inflammation of the joints in the ball of the foot.
One of the way to reduce the pain is to use an anti metatarsalgia orthotic.
Get the right footwear. Get best shoes plantar faciatis and best shoe with metatarsal support
Below are some bunion aids which will help you get pain relief or help bunion recovery. Click on the text for more information. Our partner offers free shipping, free returns for 365 days and 115% lowest price guarantee on all orders, so be assured that you can return them should you find them unsuitable.
Different Foot Conditions Aids And Shoes
Bunion surgery recovery time
Bunion treatment
Bunion removal
What can I expect after bunion surgery
Bunion pain
Shoes for bunions
Bunion night splint
Bunion splint
Tailor's bunion
What is a bunion
Bunion relief
Bunion surgery