There are numerous surgeries performed for bunions. An exostectomy, removal of the medial prominence, a lateral release and sometimes other soft tissue releases and medial capsular reinforcements are done. ( Exostectomy is the surgical removal of an exostosis. )
Presently, most often an osteotomy is done to realign the first metatarsal and the great toe. Depending on the severity of the deformity, this osteotomy can be done either at the end of the metatarsal (a distal osteotomy) or if the deformity is more severe, the osteotomy is performed at the base of the first metatarsal (a proximal osteotomy).
One of the more common distal metatarsal osteotomies that is performed is called the chevron osteotomy. Typically a small screw is inserted into the bone to hold the metatarsal head in place and speed up bone healing. Following a chevron osteotomy, walking is permitted in a surgical shoe the next day after surgery, and the shoe is worn for approximately three to four weeks before a more comfortable walking/running type shoe is worn....
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