Sesamoid Bones On 5th Metatarsal Pain
The sesamoid bones are located on the plantar aspect of the first metatarsal near the metatarsophalangeal joint. Acute and stress fractures are seen. Patients present with localized pain, swelling, and/or limp. Radiographs are indicated, but bone scan or MRI are often required to confirm diagnosis. Treat with ice, electro-therapeutic modalities, and a doughnut-padded insert. Fractures heal slowly and avascular necrosis can occur.
The sesamoids are two small round bones located within the flexor tendon under the big toe. These bones may fracture from running, hiking, and sports involving coming down too hard on the ball of the foot (such as basketball and tennis). Using padding or specially constructed orthoses (insoles) for the shoe helps relieve the pain. If pain continues, a sesamoid bone may need to be removed surgically.
A stress fracture of the metatarsals (the bones in the middle of the foot) can occur when a person walks or runs excessively.
Putting full weight on the foot causes increased pain. The affected area on the metatarsal bone is tender to touch. When a developing stress fracture is recognized early, the person can stop activities that aggravate the fracture. In more advanced and severe cases, crutches and a cast are necessary.
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