Sever's disease or Calcaneal apophysitis is a condition that affects children between the ages of 8 and 12 years. Sever's disease occurs in children when the growing part of the heel is injured. This growing part is called the growth plate.
The foot is one of the first body parts to grow to full size as a child grows. This usually occurs in early puberty. During this time, bones often grow faster than muscles and tendons. As a result, muscles and tendons around the heel area become tight, hence is less flexible.
Sever's disease is most common in physically active girls 8 to 10 years old and in physically active boys 10 to 12 years old. Soccer players and gymnasts often get Sever's disease, but children who do any running or jumping activity may be affected. Sever's disease rarely occurs in older teenagers because the back of the heel has finished growing by the age of 15.
In Sever's disease, heel pain can be in one or both heels. It usually starts after a child begins a new sports season or a new sport. Your child may walk with a limp. The pain may increase when he or she stands on tiptoe. Your child's heel may hurt if you squeeze both sides toward the very back. This is called the squeeze test. Your doctor may also find that your child's heel tendons have become tight.
Sever's disease can be prevented by maintaining good flexibility while your child is growing. Well-fitted shoes with firm support and a shock-absorbent sole will help greatly.
If your child has already recovered from Sever's disease, stretching and putting ice on the heel after activity will help keep your child from getting this condition again...
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