Tinea unguium is the fungal infection of the nails that causes the nails to be thick and brittle. Tinea unguium is usually caused by a species of Epidermophyton, Microsporum, or Trichophyton. Tinea unguium: The most common fungus infection of the nails, also called onychomycosis.
Tinea unguium involves one or more (but usually not all) nails. Infected fingernails can usually be successfully treated, but the toenails may be more difficult to treat. Treatment is usually with anti-fungus pills.
Almost anyone who wears tight-fitting shoes or tight hosiery is more likely to develop tinea unguium, especially if they also practice poor foot hygiene. Another risk is wearing layers of toenail polish, which doesn't allow the nail to breathe. Also, because tinea unguium may spread from foot to foot on the floors of showers and locker rooms, tinea unguium of the toenails are especially common among military personnel, athletes and miners.
The condition also tends to affect people with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or HIV, as well as people with circulatory problems that decrease blood flow to the toes. However, many people have no clear risk factors.
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